Why I Don’t Like Black History Month?

I don’t like black history month!

I think the original intent of it was great, but when delve into the idea of what it means and how it is celebrated, I am bothered by it. While we are at it, I don’t like Asian American month or Native American history month.

There are two very big reasons.

  1. Isn’t it just history?  Why do we have to qualify it with saying – black history or Asian history.  Their history is our history.  It always has been.  It is simply that is has been ignored so long.
  2. Many teachers and society in general confine black history to Black History month.  This is detrimental to your students if you find you have a large percentage of black students in your class.  Black history should be taught throughout the year.

Two books that I love that teach about black history or highlight a black character are:

  1. Sweet Clara and the Freedom Quilt -This book tells the story about a young girl escaping on the Underground Railroad through the Underground Railroad.
  2. Amazing Grace – This book tells the story of a young girl who is told by a classmate that she can’t play Peter Pan in an upcoming school play and how she deals with it.

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