My Thoughts on 9/11

Some of the sentiments around 9/11 really bother me and so often I quietly mourn this holiday while keeping some of my thoughts to myself out of respect for the nation.  But some sentiments around 9/11 bother me.  Let me explain.

I clearly remember where I was on 9-11-2001.  I was leaving class at Bridgewater State College – about an hour south of Boston – when I saw everyone gathered around a TV that was a story tall. We were all watching in disbelief.  I remember the eerie silence up to my dorms. I remember my professor weeping in class because his best friend and his best friend’s wife died in the towers leaving behind four children. I remember my friend who memorialized her uncle on her roller blades that she wore every day.

So what is it that bothers me?

The Islamaphobia that has taken over our nation since that time.  It started with this angry and aimless, “Let’s go blow them up!” Sadly to many civilians and innocent people die in war.

Terrorists no more clearly represent Islaam than the KKK represents Christianity.  I don’t agree with most of the tenants of Islaam but in some ways they don’t differ from conservative Christian beliefs. In conservative Christianity women aren’t fit to be leaders. Women are to cover up so men don’t stumble.  And homosexuality is a reprehensible sin.

I can understand where this fear comes from but fear has never solved anything.  In these times, I often think of FDR’s wise words, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.”  Something that has helped us understand things is Education. We need to educate ourselves about what the average Muslim looks like, acts like, believes and so on.

If you are interested in teaching students about Middle Eastern culture.  This is a product that I made about Saudi Arabia:


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